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  2. Event Management
  3. For Hosts, Moderators or Chairs

How to create Sessions and add Presentations

You can build the program for your event by creating Sessions in Morressier. To do this, go to the 'Program' tab in Event Management and click 'Create Session':

Screenshot 2025-01-09 191032

Select either 'Presentation Session' or 'Network Session' depending on your conference.

You can then get started creating your Session by including it's title, a description, adding a chair and determining other details.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 191500

As part of creating this Session, you will need to add the Presentations to this. Click '+ Add Presentations' to begin this process:

Screenshot 2025-01-09 191822

You will then see the list of available Presentations to be added listed down the right hand side. To add one of these to the Session, select it (1) and click 'Add to session' (2):

Screenshot 2025-01-09 192317

Once you have all the Presentations added to your Session, you can click 'Continue' in the top right hand corner.

Please note that once the Presentations have been added, you can rearrange the order using the three dots on the left hand side. Click and drag to reposition any Presentation: 

Screenshot 2025-01-09 192752

Once you have finished adding the details and arranging the order of the Presentations in your Session, you can click 'Create' to save:


Screenshot 2025-01-09 193104

You can reopen this page and make any changes required by clicking on your Session in the Program tab, and selecting this 'Edit' icon:

Screenshot 2025-01-09 220926

If you need further support, please get in touch with us using the chat icon in the bottom right corner or email us at support@morressier.com