Submission Privacy Settings

What it means to make Poster or Presentation Material public or private.

The final Submission step asks if you consent to allow your Document to be made available publicly.

This step asks whether you want your Submission(s) to appear public (Yes) or private (No). By selecting Yes, you set your submission status to Public, and agree that your document will be made publicly accessible, viewable, and shareable on Morressier, and that it may be used for analytics purposes.

By selecting No, you set your Submission status to Private, effectively making it viewable only to yourself, and no one else - limiting its discoverability even by others at the Conference.

If you are a Presenter or Author attending a Conference and want your Submission to be viewable by the Organizers, Attendees, and Delegates, you must set the privacy and sharing status to Yes.

You can amend sharing settings any time while the Submission Window is open. After the Submission Window closes, be aware that you can no longer edit your Submission, and must reach out to our team to assist in changing your privacy and sharing settings.

We believe that open-access is desired by many Researchers, and we have built a platform to support this movement. Nevertheless, we fully respect an Author's wishes to keep their work private. In other words, submitting Authors can choose whether or not they would like their Document to be viewable and shareable on the conference's platform page.


If you need further support, please get in touch with us using the chat icon in the bottom right corner or email us at